Our post on Canadian Members of the World Economic Forum included Maxime Bernier with a clear notation that at this time we could not find evidence of membership in the WEF, but that he did, in fact, attend a WEF Annual Meeting in 2008. Some supporters of Bernier were upset that he was included on the page despite this clear involvement with the organization, and felt the information was “misleading”. We stand by the sharing of the information as it is true, factual, referenced, relevant, and the level of verified involvement was made clear in the post.
We have continued investigations into Bernier and while it’s noteworthy that he had identified himself as a separatist and has shown extremely poor judgement when leaving confidential documents at his girlfriend’s house, we have not found any further information that links or associates Maxime Bernier with the World Economic Forum. In the event that this changes, this document will be updated.
April 21, 2022 – UPDATE: Maxime Bernier addresses his WEF Meeting Attendance with The Counter Signal. Thanks Sean.
It can not be discounted the persauvence of a 6 or 7 diggit CHEQUE , loyalty Does have a PRICE !!
Maxime has Never tried to Hide the fact that He Attended these meeting.
He has Told the TRUTH and Never Denied the Fact.
I Call That Honourable.
If you have paid attention to any podcasts he had done on this topic, he has stated that he attended as a Foreign Affairs minister at Davos. It was part of his job to meet other ministers on certain matters. He did his part and left. Has never been back there since.
This is true and I fund Bernier’s answers credible.some others nit so much.max has been straight and to the point.he does not waiver and answers as I said make sense.also keep in mind you don’t get your picture or bio on the WEF website for the he’ll of it.like michelle rempel who yes finally admitted after a couple of years she has been to davos but doesn’t know why she is on WEF website.on the other hand pierre says he has never been to Davis yet his pic and bio were on the website and now bio taken down and only pic.like I said they don’t put you on their website just for the he’ll of it.if you have and are involved with WEF then your pic and bio go on their website.
You can add Alberta Health Services as an organization. Here is a link from their own site.
Bernier has said he wants to pull from the UN, he was standing alongside the truckers when they tried explaining Canada was going through a geopolitical shift.
Go back and watch the trucker meetings on Marcel Irnie’s channel.
I think that slander is against the law in many countries, as it should be. I don’t support this type of subtle defamation.
Hey, it looks like Maxime has addressed this since you made this post!
Thanks for this, Sean. I have added it to his post.
Thanks for the much needed info!
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I will vote for Maxime Bernier. I met him at the truckers protest in Ottawa and he was very active supporting the truckers. I also find him trustworthy and genuine. And if Maxime pulls out of the UN, that’s the ultimate sign of taking a stand against the globalist agenda. As far as Pierre is concerned, a few WEF graduates have pulled out of the WEF website lately, trying to distance themselves to be re-elected, because we are waking up and talking about it. Pierre has done the same, and so his best friend Andrew Scheer. Too much of a RED FLAG right there. Besides he is NOT talking about the Globalists and their New World Order Agenda at all. Not a good sign. We are near the precipice and Trudo is destroying our country rapidly. We can’t take any chances.
PPC Maxime Bernier explains why was he at the WEF in 2008 when he was Foreign Affairs Minister for Harper. ” But the PPC has nothing to do with the World Economic Forum and I totally reject their globalist ideology! “https://thecountersignal.com/maxime-bernier-addresses-world-economic-forum-visit/